5 Simple Tips That Can Help Lose Water Weight

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Weight gain is a result of consuming more calories than you burn, however, some individuals still add excess water weight despite their clean diet and rigorous training routine.

People want to look great. Having a healthy diet, hard training and avoiding bad habits may still leave you carrying some extra pounds.The latest research has shown that water weight is the reason for this. It can be explained like this: gaining a couple of pounds daily, happens not because you are gaining fat. Fat takes much longer to accumulate. Glycogen - is the reason for your excess weight because it consists mostly of water.

Quick weight loss — quick glycogen loss. Although both liver and muscle hold onto consumed glucose and water. It leads to extra pounds every day - your water weight. Here are some tips for how to avoid it.

Continuous Fasting
Produced by our body; growth hormone is a perfect fat burner. While growing, this hormone gets slower. That’s the reason for gaining extra pounds as an adult. By prolonging the time between meals, you can increase the quantity of this hormone. Forget about late night meals because our body needs approximately 12 to 16 hours to produce this hormone.

Good workouts can retain water. Decreasing the intensity of your training can prevent this benefit, just because training stimulates blood flow.

Strange, isn’t it? But water weight can be due to a lack of water. Your body tries to hold onto more water than is required then. Drinking the right amount of water is vital. It’s nearly 2 liters of water daily. Beverages like juice or soda do not count as part of this amount of water, remember it.

Salt is bad
Salt leads to water retention in your body so reduce the amount you eat.

No carbs
Replace carbs with fruit and vegetables to maintain your water balance.
