10 Early Symptoms of Kidney Disease And Tips To Prevent it

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Kidneys are two bean-shaped organs, which help your body to get rid of excessive water and waste. They normally filter your blood and create the urine. In addition to this, your kidneys maintain mineral balance in your body, produce hormones and play a great role in blood pressure regulating.

If these pair organs get damaged, your body loses its ability to remove harmful agents and extra fluid. In the majority of cases, kidneys lose their function gradually. This condition is called chronic kidney disease.

According to statistic, about 30 million of Americans suffer from the chronic kidney disorder. Specialists say that people with diabetes, hypertension and heart disease are more likely to have kidneys troubles. Family history of poor kidney functioning also increases your risks of this problem.

On the early stages of disease kidneys have ability to compensate their own malfunction. That’s why people usually don’t know about this issue, since the damage becomes massive.

Check out these signs and symptoms of kidney dysfunction to catch the problem as soon as possible:

#1. Fatigue – your constant causeless tiredness and difficulties with concentration may be a result of toxins accumulation. In addition to this, kidney failure often leads to anemia, which can also be a reason of your permanent exhaustion.

#2. Increased urge to urinate – too frequent need to urinate can indicate troubles in kidney functioning.

#3. Sleeplessness – if your body can’t remove toxins from the blood, you can find it difficult to fall asleep.

#4. Eyes puffiness – damaged kidneys begin to excrete abnormal amount of protein, causing fluid retention and permanent eye puffiness.

#5. Dry skin – mineral and liquid imbalance can make your skin extremely dry and itchy.

#6. Bloody urine – if natural kidney filter doesn’t work properly, blood cells tend to leak into the urine. Be aware that bloody additives can be also a sign of kidney stones, infection and cancer.

#7. Swollen legs – loss of kidneys function leads to sodium and fluid retention, causing ankles and feet swelling, which is especially noticeable in the morning.

#8. Muscle cramps – disturbed calcium and phosphorus balance often results in muscle cramps.

#9. Decreased appetite – numerous reasons, including chronic kidneys disease, can cause loss of the appetite.

#10. Foamy urine – excessive protein removal usually makes your urine foamy.

Fortunately we’re still able to prevent kidney disease development.

Doctors recommend limit saturated fats, added sugars and alcohol in your menu to decrease harmful influence on the kidneys. Add more leafy greens, lean meat, whole grains and fruits to your eating routine.

Physical activity is a significant part of your kidney-saving program. Perform your favorite exercises at least 30 minutes a day to improve your well-being and maintain healthy weight.

Cope with stress in a right way. Don’t try to compensate negative emotions with alcohol and cigarettes. Meditation, yoga, deep breathing and other relaxation techniques can help you overcome your stress.

It’s really important to keep your blood pressure under the control, as unmanaged hypertension can cause kidneys damage.
