Tie a Banana Peel For Seven Days And See What Happens To Your Body

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The banana is a versatile fruit which grows throughout the year which means that you get to enjoy this delicious fruit everyday. It is also cheap and affordable and the best part is that it is abundant in health benefits such as being a good source of potassium and a soothing fruit for your esophagus. But, what’s weird is that many of us throw away the peel as that is what we do with all fruit. But, where fruits are concerned, peels are also beneficial since they too contain compounds good for health and can be used for various purposes like removing acne, or treating a wound.

Banana skins are full of vitamins
Banana peels especially the ripe ones are full of nutrients vitamins and cancer-fighting compounds. They can be boiled and eaten providing your body with a good dose of magnesium, potassium, nutrients, tryptophan, vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12  to name a few. As we age, these vitamins decrease in the body which is why banana peel is a safe source for such ingredients.

For Skin corns, cracked heels, corns and calluses
Banana peel contains salicylic acid. This is one of the ingredients found in many creams to treat corns and calluses on the foot. Just tape a peel over the affected area and keep it overnight or 7 days depending on the severity of the condition. The anti-inflammatory properties, as well as the healing compounds, will have soothed and healed the corns and calluses. This procedure can also be applied to cracked heels too.

Banana peel is excellent for treating acne because of the same properties that heal corns and calluses. Just massage your face with a banana peel for 5-10 minutes three times a week. The anti-inflammatory properties and anti-oxidants in the peel will reduce the pimples, cure existing ones and prevent acne from flaring up on your face.

For Anti-ageing, wrinkles and under eye pouches
The anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties in banana peel are an excellent and cheap remedy to reduce the rate of ageing, get rid of under eye pouches and dark circles and also prevent wrinkles. Just scoop up and loosen the insides of a peel, then apply it to your eyes for five minutes daily. You can also make a face mask by adding egg yolk to mashed banana peel and applying the paste to your face for five minutes. Wash it off after that. This keeps your skin hydrates and makes it soft and smooth.

The scaly condition of psoriasis can be treated by banana peel.  Scoop out the paste from the peel, then add the peel, the paste and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in a blend and blend well to get a paste. Apply this to the effective area thrice a day for several weeks. You will find a huge difference because the paste will moisturize and attempt to heal the area. The scaly skin will reduce to a great extent.

Wounds and scars
Rub your wounds with a banana peel. You will find that besides curing the wound faster, the peel will also prevent scarring. This is because of the nutrients and compounds in the peel have healing properties and improves the skin encouraging cell regeneration.

Moles can be nasty and occur all over the body. Regardless of what you try, they never seem to go away. Take a banana peel and tape it over the mole. Then leave this on for at least 7 days. You’ll find the mole has either grown smaller or gone completely.

Whitens teeth
Yes, banana peel can also whiten teeth. You should just rub the inside of banana skin on your teeth for a minute everyday after you brush your teeth and then see the results. Your teeth will start getting whiter. This is a cheap and affordable remedy instead of costly toothpastes.

Removes Warts
Like moles, banana skin can also help remove warts and even prevent new ones from occurring. Just rub the peel on the affected area and then tape it there to leave overnight. This is one of the easiest ways to use a banana peel for your skin.

Pain Reliever
Banana peel can also act as an effective pain reliever. Just apply the inside of the banana peel on the affected area for at least 30 minutes. It would help even more by making a paste of vegetable oil and banana peel that would work as a good pain reliever.

Heals Bites by Bugs and mosquitoes
TO get instant relief from the bite of bugs and mosquitoes, just massage the inside of a banana peel to the area. The redness, swelling and pain will reduce. You can use the same method for other insect bites too because of the anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties of banana peel.

Shoes, Leather, Silver Polish
If you want your shoes, leather articles and silverware to shine, this is one of the cheapest remedies to do so. Just rub banana peel on your shoes and leather goods. Do the same for your silverware. You’ll find then shining as usual.

UV Protection
Banana peels can also provide UV protection to the eyes from harmful UV rays of the sun. First leave the peel under the sun for a while, then rub the peel on your eyes. This has been proven to reduce the risk of cataract as well.

To remove splinters
Sometimes splinters can be stubborn, especially tiny wood and glass ones. If you have a splinter, just tape the banana skin over the splinter and leave overnight. BY morning, the splinter will have been dislodged completely or become easier to pull out with tweezers.

For poison IVY rash
To get rid of the nasty effects of poison ivy and rash, just scrape the insides of banana peel and apply the paste on the affected area. It will cool down the inflammation and provide relief from the pain and itching. The same applies for other rash and allergies.

Lowers cholesterol and improves insomnia
Just as you eat bananas, you can also eat the peel by boiling them although when eaten raw, they may have an unpleasant taste. You can boil the peel for ten minutes till cooked and then consume or fry it in some healthy oil. However, don’t forget to clean the skin of commercially grown bananas because of the presence of chemicals that may be sprayed on them.

Banana peel is rich in compounds like tryptophan which improves insomnia; it is also packed with anti-oxidants for health, lowers cholesterol and contains compounds that can even prevent or reduce the risk of cancer. It also improves the circulation capacity of red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body.
