Cannabis Patch – A Revolutionary Way to Treat Pain

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Can Cannabis Really Dull Pain?
In the past decade, medical marijuana has been the subject of many debates. As each year passes, however, science realizes more and more about the incredible benefits of cannabis. Even though there are many studies that confirm cannabis’ powerful effects on our health, governments are still not that open to the idea of legalization.

How Does It Work?
Take a look at the chemical profile of cannabis and you’ll find more than 80 cannabinoids. The human body has numerous cannabinoid receptors and even produces cannabinoids in a limited capacity. The compounds help us sleep and play an important role in our emotions and movement.

Apart from cannabinoids, the plant contains terpenes as well. Terpenes have amazing anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties – this means that their combination can relieve pain naturally. Experts and studies have already confirmed this, so the stigma against cannabis and hemp is absurd, to say the least.

The THC compound, which is responsible for the “high” when smoking weed, is missing in medical marijuana. It’s just one of the more than 80 cannabinoids in the plant.

Cannabis for Pain
Up until now, numerous studies have shown that cannabis helps most against chronic pain. There have been many well-documented cases where the plant supposedly destroys cancer cells, but it’s really most effective in treating pain.

Why? Well, our body and nerves have cannabinoid receptors. As soon as Cannabidiol (CBD) enters our system, it attaches to these receptors, blocking pain signals from reaching the brain. At the same time, CBD and other cannabinoids also reduce inflammation and support our immune system in the fight against foreign bodies.

Is Cannabis Safe for Use?
Absolutely – even science confirms it. A recent study from Michigan University revealed that cannabis relieves pain better than most opioids. It also improves the quality of life of the patients and of course, neutralizes the risk of overdose. There are no deaths reported as medical marijuana overdose, making it as safe as it gets.

Many doctors consider cannabis much safer than ibuprofen, for example. The effects of both were a subject of a recent study, and the result was heavily in favor of cannabis.

It’s no wonder – the plant is full of cannabinoids our body can process.

Medical Marijuana for Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a painful condition that affects more and more people each year. The condition can also trigger fatigue, insomnia, and a variety of memory and mental problems. There’s still no cure for fibromyalgia. Doctors usually just treat the symptoms as they have no solution for it. However, medical marijuana may have been the answer we’ve been looking for so long.

Cannabis Patch
After years of trying to find the perfect way of medical marijuana administration, Cannabis Science, a company from California, invented a cannabis patch. It delivers the cannabinoids transdermally and is aimed at fibromyalgia and neuropathy patients. Of course, that’s just the beginning. Company representatives fully expect the patch to be expanded for treatment of other diseases. As you can guess, it’s similar to a nicotine patch and may be the most effective way of treating pain.

The patch provides a controlled release of cannabinoids to the patient. It has a porous membrane that covers a reservoir of medical marijuana that is activated with body heat.  The company says that the patch is only the beginning. The scientists at Cannabis Science are hard at work experimenting with different application methods. On the other hand, you can also try transdermal marijuana pens from other companies.

It seems that the future is already here. Let’s embrace it and erase pain from our lives once and for all.
