Homemade Eczema Cream To Soothe Itches And Irritated Skin

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Eczema is a chronic condition that affects people all over the world! And it can do it differently. However, most commonly known symptoms of eczema are dry, itchy, and inflamed small patches of skin. These patches could be large or small and almost on any part of your body. As we don’t know exactly what causes eczema, all we could do is treat this as best as we can. And I want to show you a great natural DIY you can do at home; hence, the best natural eczema cream to soothe itches and irritated skin.

Thus, if you struggle with eczema, be prepared to make a healthy change in your lifestyle. It can all start with homemade products that contain only natural ingredients. I’ve been a fan of natural ingredients, especially essential oils, for a while now. However, I also did some research to see which ones are best for eczema. Find all the details below.

Now, let’s see how to make a simple and natural cream that will help to soothe your itchy and inflamed skin. Thus, all you need for this recipe is shea butter, oats, and lavender essential oils. I found out that oats and shea butter have incredibly moisturizing and skin-calming properties. Regarding the lavender essential oil, it is a healing substance that might minimize the insufferable effects of eczema. Let’s see how we can combine them!

1. Grab all the ingredients you need:

– 1/2 cup coconut oil
– 1/4 cup shea butter
– 1/4 cup oats
– 2 tsp vitamin E oil
– 20 drops lavender essential oil

2. Now, you should start by using a grinder for the oats in order to get them pretty finely. Thus, it should be looking more of a powder.

3. Then, place the coconut oil and shea butter in a glass bowl and steam it over a gently simmering water. You need to wait until the oil and butter have melted completely.

4. Next, remove the mixture from heat and add in the powdered oats.

5. Now, this is the step when you will be making the cream. Stir all the ingredients very well to incorporate them into a perfectly smooth cream.

6. Then pour the vitamin E oil and lavender essential oil into the mixture, and stir again.

7. All you have left to do is to pour the mixture into a small container.

That’s it. You’re ready to use it. For a better application, keep it in the fridge, it will also add that cooling feeling which will further ameliorate the itching.
