Benefits Of Juicing Parsley

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Frilly and bright green with a fresh, vegetable flavor, parsley as one of your regular juicing ingredients will give a nutritious boost to your diet. Parsley juice can be drunk on its own, or it can be added to other fresh juices. Consider mixing it with other green vegetable juices for a nutrient-packed beverage, or with your favorite fruit juice -- such as apple or orange -- to increase the health value. A 1-ounce serving of parsley juice is produced from a half-cup of fresh, chopped parsley.

Benefits Of Juicing Parsley

Benefits of Vitamin A
A natural antioxidant, vitamin A is essential for maintaining healthy heart, lung and kidney function. It also plays a vital role in maintaining healthy eyesight, as well as providing the color to your retina. A 1-ounce serving of fresh parsley juice has 126 micrograms of retinal activity equivalents of vitamin A per serving. This is 14 percent of the recommended dietary allowance for adult men, 18 percent of the RDA for adult women, 16 percent of the RDA for pregnant women, and almost 10 percent of the RDA for women who are breastfeeding.

Benefits of Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, so its stores need to be replenished regularly as excess amounts leave your body through urination. This essential vitamin helps your body make and repair damaged tissue, including producing collagen for your blood vessels, skin and cartilage. Vitamin C also helps with producing scar tissue and is an antioxidant, protecting your body from damage from free radicals and environmental toxins, such as exhaust fumes and radiation. One ounce of parsley juice contains almost 40 milligrams of vitamin C. This is almost 45 percent of the recommended dietary allowance for adult men, and over 50 percent of the RDA for adult women. Pregnant and breastfeeding women require more vitamin C per day, so a single ounce of parsley juice provides 47 percent and 33 percent of the respective RDA. As tobacco smoke reduces stores of vitamin C, the percentages will be lower for those who smoke regularly.

Benefits of Vitamin K
Also known as the clotting vitamin, vitamin K helps your body form blood clots, and is found in high concentrations in leafy green vegetables such as parsley. Low vitamin K levels can lead to bleeding problems, including difficulty recovering from bruises or accidents. Vitamin K is also required for calcium use, so it is essential for maintaining strong bones and teeth. A 1-ounce serving of parsley juice contains 492 micrograms of vitamin K. This is well over 100 percent of the adequate intake of vitamin K for both men and women, including women who are pregnant and breastfeeding.

Benefits of Folate
Folate, a member of the B vitamin group, helps with tissue and cell function. It helps your body produce proteins and form red blood cells and DNA, and also reduces the risk of anemia, when there are low iron levels in your blood. Folate is also important for reducing the risk of birth defects. A single ounce serving of parsley juice has 46 micrograms of folate. This is 11.5 percent of the daily reference intake for adult men and women, and a little over 9 percent of the DRI for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
